
is the place where fashion blends in with feminism and a new reality emerges…

Fasfem watches : Alexandria on beauty

Fasfem watches : Alexandria on beauty

Women in politics is something that really interests a fasfemer; we care for reinventing our realities remember?

Alexandria Ocasio - Cortez is the female politician who has embedd in her personal ways all things fasfem stands for. She claims her feminine power and stands against the culture of diminishing women while putting on her make up, as you can watch in the video below :

We care for our style and beauty because we feel like it, it makes us strong and better at dealing with our every day challenges, not frivolous as some wants us to believe…

So put on your red lip and smile…it is your right to do so after all!

Credits : picture captured by Mark Peterson for New Yorker magazine.

"I want a wife"

"I want a wife"

Eyes in chains

Eyes in chains